Be Safe |
Be Responsible |
Be Respectful |
Before School |
Stay off playground until yard duty arrives |
Play on the correct Playground for your grade level (Discovery or Endeavor) |
Use kind words and actions while playing |
Wear a helmet and walk bike/scooter once at school grounds |
Freeze when bell rings and after whistle blows, walk to line up with your class |
Share playground equipment |
Stay on sidewalk and use crosswalks |
Arrive wearing uniform as outlines in parent handbook |
consequences for misbehavior: sit out for 5 min, parent contact |
Be Safe |
Be Responsible |
Be Respectful |
Recess |
Follow playground rules: no play fighting, no running up the slide, one student at a time on playground equipment |
Treat other kindly |
Listen to the yard duties |
Keep hands, feet, and objects to self |
Include everyone |
Use kind language |
stay away from fences and behind or between portables |
Share/Take turns |
Keep playground clean (no trash!) |
do not leave school grounds without permission |
Freeze when bell rings |
listen to each others' words |
never hit, kick, push, or spit on a person |
throw trash in the trash cans |
keep games open to everyone |
never tackle or play fight |
line up immediately when whistle is blown |
never throw rocks or tan bark |
Do not chew or bring gum to school |
leave all toys and personal play items at home |
consequences for misbehavior: sit out for 5 min, observe 3 students doing it correctly, loss of activity, review PeaceBuilder Pledge, parent contact |
Be Safe |
Be Responsible |
Be Respectful |
Cafeteria |
Sit with feet on floor, bottom on bench, facing table |
wait to be excused |
allow anyone to sit next to you |
keep both hands on tray |
get all utensils, ketchup, milk, etc. when going through the line the first time |
use quiet voices |
get adult help for spills and accidents |
eat only your own food |
follow yard duty directions |
chew with mouth closed |
be ready to make your lunch choice |
say "please" and "thank you" |
walk |
help clean up before you leave |
raise your hand if you need help or would like to get up for water or the restroom |
consequences for misbehavior: separate from the group, sit out for 5 min of recess, help clean cafeteria, parent contact |
Be Safe |
Be Responsible |
Be Respectful |
Bathrooms |
keep feet on floor |
flush toilet |
use quiet voices |
one person in a stall |
use only for going to the bathroom and washing hands |
put garbage in the garbage cans |
no eating |
use toilet paper only for using the bathroom, and hand towels for drying hands |
urinate only in toilet or urinal |
keep floor dry and clean |
always wash hands before leaving |
consequences for misbehavior:sit out for 5 min of recess, responsible buddy system, parent contact |
Be Safe |
Be Responsible |
Be Respectful |
Assemblies |
walk in, walk out in single file line |
listen quietly for directions |
listen and watch speaker |
sit on bottom with legs crossed and hands in lap |
clap politely |
Consequences for misbehavior: separation from group, removal from assembly, parent contact |
Be Safe |
Be Responsible |
Be Respectful |
Hallways |
always walk |
use a hall pass during instructional time |
remain silent when walking by classrooms |
stay to the right facing forward |
Consequences for misbehavior:responsible buddy system, sit out for 5 min of recess, parent contact |
Be Safe |
Be Responsible |
Be Respectful |
After School |
Wear a helmet and walk bike/scooter once at school grounds |
Go directly home if walking |
use kind words and actions while waiting |
Stay on sidewalk and use crosswalks |
No cell phones or electronics |
report any misbehaviors to yard duties |
Line up by grade level sign or sign in with City Year |
Office phone is only for emergencies - make sure someone is coming to pick you up before you arrive to school in the morning |
Stay off playground equipment |
Walk all the way to the front of the school with your teacher |
Consequences for misbehavior: parent contact, personal escort |
Students are expected to: |
- show respect for themselves, other students, adults, personal and school property
- keep their hands, feet and objects to themselves
- use only appropriate language
- arrive to class on time before school and after recess